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Zambia Academy of Sciences Leads AU Flagship Project to Combat Stunting in Africa

In the past two years, the Zambia Academy of Sciences has taken a leading role in collaboration with four other science academies, developing a project proposal aimed at adoption and funding by the African Union (AU). This initiative, now recognized as a flagship project, has been accepted by the African Scientific Research and Innovation Council (ASRIC), the scientific arm of the AU. At the 2022 Congress, ASRIC officially endorsed this project as an AU flagship project. Led by President Professor Kavwanga Yamba Yamba, the Zambia Academy of Sciences presented the Stunting Flagship Project at the 6th Congress of the ASRIC Council in Rabat, Morocco, December 5 to 8, 2023. The AU Flagship Project
on Stunting in Africa is a visionary and comprehensive strategy designed to eradicate stunting across the continent. Acknowledging the critical nature of the issue affecting millions of African children, the project aims to overcome obstacles to cognitive and physical development, fostering economic growth and
prosperity. Stunting, affecting physical and cognitive/socio-emotional development, poses a severe and persistent challenge in Sub-Saharan Africa, impacting millions of children. By integrating science, technology, and innovation, the project recognizes the complex interplay of factors contributing
to stunting. Emphasizing the importance of nutrition and environmental concerns, it seeks to eradicate stunting, enhance health outcomes, and unlock the full potential of Africa’s children. The success of the AU Flagship Project relies on effective coordination and collaboration among diverse actors and stakeholders. As the Zambia Academy of Sciences leads this pioneering initiative, the AU Flagship Project on Stunting in Africa stands poised to make a lasting impact on the continent, ensuring a
healthier and more prosperous future for generations to come.